Monday, February 23, 2009

Its been a while...

Well its been a while since I have written a post. I have been quite busy trying to create a new website layout I'm happy with for my business.

I recently purchased a book, "How To Be A WordPress Rockstar", which is about working with and creating WordPress based websites. It is a very good read, and goes in depth with everything you will need to know to get you started into just about any WordPress based website. For anyone who doesn't know what WordPress is, it is a CMS (content management system), which basically means that the website can be updated without any scripting knowledge. They are great websites to build.

I prefer to used a CMS known as Drupal, which is great for most websites, but there comes a time when I may need to use WordPress, as its become the most popular CMS being used. But it is more of a Blogging system than anything, but still gets used as a CMS as it does act like a CMS quite a bit.

There is also Joomla, which I'm not the biggest fan of, but am feeling that I may need to learn to use that CMS as well, but thats last on my list for the time being.

I am also trying to learn a new eCommerce based system known as Magento, which is becoming very popular very fast. Its feature rich and has everything you need from the word go to run an online store.

Anyway this is becoming too much of a geeky post, so I'll stop there because you probably have already stopped reading. I will post some more interesting blogs soon.

Yours in blog,

Jaymie Jones

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